Kamis, 28 Februari 2008


Perhaps at this point should remember that Indonesia wedding very according to religions, culture and social position of the family. In addition, the family must serect a program that is compromised between the moslim religious tradition and javanese cultural tradition therefore, in setting out to describe a “typical wedding”, I am attempting to describe something that really doesn’t exist. Still, presume we are talking about a Moslem wedding and that at lest one of the coupre comes from west java.
At a mosque wedding, the bride enters the hail some time before her husband, and her female relation will sit with her waiting his arrival. As guest, you quickly notice the importance or traditional attire to the ceremony. The bride will almost certainly be in formal Javanese dress of batik sarong and kebaya. brides from west java will be in white, those from central java and east java, in black. Many hours will have been spent on bride’s hair and make up and the young women of then looks as if they stepeed straight out of some historical drama. Indeed it is amazing the grooms even recognize them.
As the groom arrives he is escorted by close relatives to join this wife at the low table placed between them and the penghulu who conducts the weeding. He is a minister of the mosque whose special duties cover areas such as marriage, divorces, wills and oaths. The penghulu will read the section of the holy Qur’an concerning marriage, talk informally about the couples responsibility to each other and the importance of children.
There will be two official fitness who are high ranking male representative of each family. The will fitness the signing of the ijab qobul, a document based on the Al Qur’an which outlines the duties and responsibilities of the couple.

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